Culture Writer

Culture Writer




Welcome to Culture Writer where we explore the effects of various cultural and social factors on society and people. If you want to look into how social media affects how organizations market themselves, but also how TV shows from different countries embody those cultures, this is the place for you!


Writing for the web means more than simply creating content. We have to be aware of how different digital platforms work and which ones are... Read More "Reflection"

All that content

Do you ever unlock your phone in the morning just to be greeted with Instagram notifications and news headlines and text messages? If so, in... Read More "All that content"

Music Streaming: Accessibility vs. Ownership

What do you think is the best way to listen to music? Do you listen to vinyls on record players? Or old CDs lying around... Read More "Music Streaming: Accessibility vs. Ownership"

Social Media Analysis: National Geographic

Over the past few weeks, I’ve observed and evaluated National Geographic’s Instagram profile. I wanted to understand the role of social media in gaining attention... Read More "Social Media Analysis: National Geographic"