Virtual Reality: Potential and Consequences
Virtual Reality: Potential and Consequences

Virtual Reality: Potential and Consequences

Virtual reality is something straight out of a sci-fi movie. For a long time, it only existed in fiction. Now, technology like the Oculus Rift have made virtual reality, well, a reality. 

For those of you who don’t know, virtual reality is an immersive experience created by technology where you can see and hear, and sometimes touch, things. The following video explains virtual reality through optical illusions and helps to see how perception plays a huge role in its success.

Virtual reality changes the way that we, as humans, interact with the world around us and deal with various situations. It has the potential to do a lot of good. For example, therapists use VR headsets in Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) to help treat patients with PTSD and anxiety.

It can also be used to improve education. Students can access places and experiences that would otherwise be closed off to them. They can learn hands-on without the limitations of location in a controlled classroom environment. 

Photo by Unsplash

Plus, virtual reality is fun. For an avid reader, daydreamer, and movie-watcher like myself, there’s nothing I’d like more than to fly in a spaceship to Mars or fight bad guys like Batman. 

However, with all these new and exciting opportunities, virtual reality does present some concerns.

Virtual reality can induce anxiety because of its ability to place the user into any experience. The simulation itself can create feelings of fear, depression, and stress, and removing yourself from virtual reality can also cause feelings of disorientation. This can also lead to nausea and dizziness.

Most concerning, however, are the negative social impacts of virtual reality. Because it’s a platform for escapism, people can retreat to virtual reality, distancing themselves from the real world. We can see this happening now with social media, as people try to find comfort online. 

Photo by Jason Hoffman/Thrillist

Of course, since virtual reality hasn’t quite reached the level of Ready Player One, most of the impacts that we see are on a much smaller scale. The implications of virtual reality could change the way that we view our own world and live within it. Because it has the potential to alter our perceptions and change our way of life, it’s important to discuss its benefits and consequences. 
